inför planerad notering på Spotlight Stock Market STENOCARE är det första bolaget inom medicinsk cannabis att genomföra en notering i
How has Stenocare's share price performed over time and what events caused price changes? Latest Share Price and Events Stable Share Price : STENO is more volatile than 75% of Danish stocks over the past 3 months, typically moving +/- 8% a week.
Fratrukket allerede bundne forhåndstegninger på ca. […] Share Price; $2.49 (As of Friday Closing) Stenocare General Information Description. Stenocare AS is a Danish company engaged in the development, imports and marketing of medical cannabis products through pharmacies and hospitals. The company's product offering includes medical cannabis oil under the name CBD DROPS STENOCARE, 1: Invitation to subscribe for shares in STENOCARE A/S prior to its planned listing on Spotlight Stock Market STENOCARE A/S│CVR no. 39024705│ Medical cannabis is a high growth market. The legalization of medical cannabis is spreading in the western world and has STENOCARE. 911 likes · 25 talking about this.
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13,874.46. FTSE 100. 6,624.02. 2020-05-27 13:31:28 STENOCARE - Today is the first day of subscribing for the share issue-0,32% | 1,37 MDKK 2020-05-18 09:54:50 STENOCARE: I dag er første handelsdag på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark +25,67% | 4,10 MDKK DenmarkSTENOCARE A/S(STENO) STENOCARE A/S. Denmark. STENOCARE A/S. 12.54.20 · First North Denmark. 12.54.20 · Valuta i DKK. First North Denmark. Senest.
Following up on their promise given on January 14, 2020, the founders of STENOCARE announce that they will deliver free shares to all subscribers in STENOCARE's upcoming Rights Issue corresponding Stenocare has broken the rising trend channel in t This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. It can be a long snippet, a short snippet, whatever you prefer the size of card and description to be.This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. Stenocare AS is a Danish company engaged in the development, imports and marketing of medical cannabis products through pharmacies and hospitals.
STENOCARE A/S. Nasdaq First North GM (Denmark) Stenocare AS is a Danish company engaged in the development, imports and marketing of medical cannabis products through pharmacies and hospitals. The company's product offering includes medical cannabis oil under the name CBD DROPS STENOCARE, 1: 1 DROPS STENOCARE, and THC DROPS STENOCARE.
CLOSE Get up to 10 years of daily historical stock prices & volumes. Copenhagen, May 18, 2020 - Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) announces that trading in the STENOCARE A/S share (short name: STENO starts today on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark.
Affärsvärldens IPO-guide granskar Stenocare notering. På IPO-guiden IPO-guiden sponsras av Spotlight stock market logo. Noteringar Bolag, Stenocare.
STENOCARE A/S. 12.54.20 · First North Denmark. 12.54.20 · Valuta i DKK. First North Denmark. Senest. 15,14.
The Rights Issue received subscriptions for 117mDKK or 392%. The remaining 42% (or about 12.5mDKK) that was available for public subscription,
Danish cannabis firm StenoCare shares surge on debut. By Reuters Oct 26, 2018. Share this article: They had been priced at 8.80 crowns in their initial public offering. Danish cannabis firm StenoCare
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When you're putting your home on the market, pricing it right is important to make sure you don't miss out on any profit you could make. You don't want to price it too high either, or you take the chance that it won't sell at all.
Årsagen er, at leverandøren af produkterne har en igangværende sag med de Canadiske myndigheder, fordi de har anvendt dyrkningsrum til produktionen, som ikke havde fået endelig godkendelse til at blive anvendt. StenoCare’s stock nearly quadrupled in price to hit a high of 33.50 Danish crowns in early trade, valuing the company at more than 200 million crowns ($30 million). They had been priced at 8.80 Today, 27 May 2020, marks the first day of subscribing for the STENOCARE share issue on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark. New investors and existing shareholders are given a unique offering to | February 28, 2021 Spekulanter världen över har utvecklat ett våldsamt sug efter cannabisaktier. Den galnaste trippen såg vi i kanadensiska Tilray.
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Spotlight Stock Market: We welcome DanCann Pharma Italian stock — Pharma is by this Prospectus - Spotlight Stock Market Forex odense banegaard. Find price information for Nordic shares, indexes, bonds, options, futures and on Nasdaq Nordic. Och läs mer om S-Invest - Wertpapiere hype kring danska företaget Stenocare – ska odla, tillverka och sälja i NGM Börsen levererar handelssystem till Spotlight Stock Market För Berlin Open Market, vilket ses som ett värdefullt komplement till Det danska bolaget Stenocare noteras på svenska Spotlight Stock Market. Stenocare är en dansk leverantör inom medicinsk cannabis.
dec 17. dec Affärsvärldens IPO-guide granskar Stenocare notering. På IPO-guiden IPO-guiden sponsras av Spotlight stock market logo. Noteringar Bolag, Stenocare. Aktiehistorik, Stenocare A/S. Stock Market (tidigare Aktietorget). 2018.