V Strâmbu's 37 research works with 108 citations and 1,143 reads, including: Emergency vascular access through a cuffed iliac vein catheter. A report of 2 cases


Prof. Dr. Victor Strâmbu este Managerul Spitalului Clinic de Nefrologie „Dr. Carol Davila”. Speaker în cadrul evenimentului Convenția Română a Spitalelor 2020.

Being involved in soccer has given Dr. Victor Strimbu a heart for sports medicine. An avid sports fan, he knows how to interact with children of all ages. Besides sports medicine, Dr. Strimbu also specializes in knee arthroscopy, knee replacements, and general orthopaedics. victor strambu: avem 3 stiri despre victor strambu. Citeste acum toate articole despre victor strambu pe Digi24.ro Dr. Victor Dan Eugen Strambu - Bucuresti, Primar Chirurgie (generala) Victor Strimbu. Postdoctoral Fellow ; Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management +4767231675.

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76:18, GGC GGC, Karim Tmimi Assisted By: Strambu  Cristina Iorga and Victor Strambu – THE VALUE OF A PREOPERATIVE SCORE TO ASSES THE RISK FOR IATROGENIC INJURY OCCURRED DURING  Constantin Popa. Florian Popa. Valentin Titus Grigorean. Gelu Onose.

He is affiliated with medical facilities Fairview Hospital and UH St. John INFORMATII PERSONALE Victor Dan Eugen Strâmbu EXPERIENTA PROFESIONALÅ 1994—1999 1995-2000 1999-09/2011 2007-2011 2009-2010 10/2011-09/2017 09/2017-Prezenl EDUCATIE FORMARE 2017-prezent 2011-2017 2007-2011 Medic Specialist Chirurgie Generala Spitalul Clinic de Urgentã 'r,Sf, Pantelimon", Bucuresti Coordonator al Departamentului de Urgenta Strambu V, Popa F. Author information.

Victor Strambu. More. Find articles by 'Victor Strambu' · Filter current search by ' Victor Strambu' · Strambu V ,. Mircea Bratucu. More. Find articles by 'Mircea 

Hexi Pharma issued a press  2 Apr 2017 Victor Strâmbu (54 de ani), fost secretar de stat în Ministerul Sănătății în mandatul ministrului Patriciu Achimaș-Cadariu, este și el membru al  Dr. Strimbu graduated from the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in 1985. He works in Westlake, OH and 2 other locations and specializes in Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine. Dr. Victor P Strimbu, MD is a doctor primarily located in Westlake, OH, with other offices in Avon, OH and Lakewood, OH. He has 36 years of experience. His specialties include Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine.

Victor strambu

Valentin Titus Grigorean, MD, PhD , Aurelia Mihaela Sandu, MD, PhD , Mihai Popescu, PhD, Md , and Victor Strambu, MD, PhD. Surgical Innovation 2017 24:3 , 

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Petru Adrian Radu. Dan Cartu. Valeriu Șurlin.
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- Organization and coordination of research in trauma surgery. Victor Strâmbu, Clinic of Surgery of “Dr.

Dr. Strimbu has more experience with Knee & Lower Limb Surgery than other specialists in his area. Introduction: Substernal goiter is usually defined as a goiter that extends below the thoracic inlet or a goiter with more than 50% of its mass lying below the thoracic inlet. Substernal goiters may compress adjacent anatomical structures causing a variety of symptoms. Case report: Here we report a rare case of a 75-year-old woman presenting with cardiac arrest caused by acute respiratory Tot la Marie Curie sunt internaţi alţi 10 bebeluşi cu aceleaşi simptome.
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strambu victor da}i eugen spitaiul clinic de neerologiei iidr. carol davii.aii , c:aj,ea grivitei, nr, 4 act i.4edic \i 29 .699 ron 1.2. soi/so{ie strambu irina um!' carol davii,a , strada dionisie lupu rlt- zt act eiidac trc 56.808 ron strambu irina institutui, i\'arius nasta buci'resti, goseaua vj-ilor, nr. 90 act iiedic tl !/ z 24. u27 ron 1

Conf. Dr. Victor PURCĂREA, Director of Carol Davila Publishing House. Prof. Propedeutica chirurgicala pentru asistentii medicali - autor Strambu Victor - editura - Cartea “Propedeutica chirurgicala pentru asistentii medicali”, se adreseaza  Zaza Avaliani, Irina Strambu, Dragos Zaharia, Alexandru Muntean, Eugenia Ghita, Miron Bogdan, Roxana Mindru, Victor Spinu, Alexandra Sora, Catalina Ene  Dr. Strambu Victor Dan Eugen, care a fost admis, acesta indeplinind conditiile stabilite in regulamentul de organizare si desfasurare al concursului.

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of surgery), Victor Strambu MD (Associate Professor of surgery), Constantin Nica MD (Professor of surgery). Aims of the society: - To promote formation and training of general surgeons in the field of trauma and emergency surgery. - Organization and coordination of research in trauma surgery.

10 authors.

View the profiles of professionals named "Strambu" on LinkedIn. There are 50+ professionals named "Strambu", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, 

Victor Strambu (Bucuresti) Eugen Tarcoveanu (Iasi) Valeriu Surlin (Craiova) Iusuf Timurlenc (Constanta) Victor Tomulescu (Bucuresti) Claudiu Turculet (Bucuresti) Dan Florin Ungureanu (Bucuresti) Octavian Unc (Constanta) Catalin Vasilescu (Bucuresti) Managerul Spitalului de copii „Victor Gomoiu” din București, Doina Anca Pleșca a încasat bani în 2015, potrivit declarației de interese din 2016, de la firme din industria farmaceutică, dar și de la SC Grafitti Public Relations SRL. of surgery), Victor Strambu MD (Associate Professor of surgery), Constantin Nica MD (Professor of surgery).

Evenimentul și-a propus să aducă în prim-plan Secretarul de stat in Ministerul Sanatatii Victor Strambu a declarat joi ca nu este vorba despre un focar epidemic in cazul copiilor din judetul Arges diagnosticati cu sindrom hemolitic-uremic, internati la Spitalul "Marie Curie" si la Institutul de Boli Infectioase "Matei Bals".